Strong Gravity

Testing General Relativity with Ensembles of Compact Binary Mergers: the Importance of Astrophysics and Statistical AssumptionsConfirmed

by Ethan Payne (Caltech)

PI/4-400 - Space Room (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)

PI/4-400 - Space Room

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics


Observations of gravitational waves from binary black-hole mergers provide a unique testbed for General Relativity in the strong-field regime. To extract the most information, many gravitational-wave signals can be used in concert to place constraints on theories beyond General Relativity. Although these hierarchical inference methods have allowed for more informative tests, careful consideration is needed when working with astrophysical observations. Assumptions about the underlying astrophysical population and the detectability of possible deviations can influence hierarchical analyses, potentially biasing the results. In this talk, I will address these key assumptions and discuss their mitigation. Finally, I will demonstrate how we can leverage the astrophysical nature of gravitational-wave observations to our advantage to empirically bound the curvature dependence of extensions to General Relativity.

Organised by

Will East