Quantum Foundations

Uniqueness of bipartite and multipartite quantum state over timeConfirmed

by Seok Hyung Lie (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)

PI/3-301 - Alice Room (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)

PI/3-301 - Alice Room

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics


Recent efforts to formulate a unified, causally neutral approach to quantum theory have highlighted the need for a framework treating spatial and temporal correlations on an equal footing. Building on this motivation, we propose operationally inspired axioms for quantum states over time, demonstrating that, unlike earlier approaches, these axioms yield a unique quantum state over time that is valid across both bipartite and multipartite spacetime scenarios. In particular, we show that the Fullwood-Parzygnat state over time uniquely satisfies these axioms, thus unifying bipartite temporal correlations and extending seamlessly to any number of temporal points. In particular, we identify two simple assumptions—linearity in the initial state and a quantum analog of conditionability—that single out a multipartite extension of bipartite quantum states over time, giving rise to a canonical generalization of Kirkwood-Dirac type quasi-probability distributions. This result provides a new characterization of quantum Markovianity, advancing our understanding of quantum correlations across both space and time.

Organized by

Elie Wolfe