Training Programs (TEOSP)

Operator representations and Twisted Traces of Coulomb branchesConfirmed

by Keke Zhang (Perimeter Institute)

PI/4-400 - Space Room (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)

PI/4-400 - Space Room

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics


(Warning: Mathematical Rigor Ahead – Physicists, Proceed with Curiosity!) 3D mirror symmetry predicts that pairs of Higgs and Coulomb branches can be interchanged. Phsyicists showned that correlation functions on the Coulomb branches and the correlation functions on the Higgs branches it is S-dual to are equal. In mathematics, this can be understood as the twisted traces of the Higgs branch and the Coulomb branch it is S-dual to are equal. I first introduce operator representations of the Coulomb branches. Then I show a construction of explicit twisted traces in integral form for quantum Coulomb branches of good theories, using operator representations.

Organised by

Bindiya Arora, Matt Duschenes