Mathematical Physics

Dynamical Yangians of cotangent Lie algebras over moduli spaces of G-bundlesConfirmed

by Raschid Abedin (University of Hamburg)

PI/4-400 - Space Room (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)

PI/4-400 - Space Room

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics


In this talk, I will present the construction of the Yangian of a cotangent Lie algebra from the geometry of the equivariant affine Grassmannian. Furthermore, I will discuss how this quantum group can be dynamically twisted to a quantum groupoid over a neighborhood in the moduli space of G-bundles over a compact Riemann surface. These constructions are motivated by relations between a certain holomorphic-topological 4d gauge field theory and the geometric Langlands correspondence. Representations of the Yangian are pertubative line operators of said theory, while the dynamical twist of the Yangian controls the action of these operators via Hecke modifications in this setting. This talk is based on the two joint works arXiv:2405.19906 and arXiv:2411.05068 with Wenjun Niu.

Organised by

Ben Webster, Wenjun Niu