Quantum Gravity

No-boundary observationsConfirmed

by Andreas Blommaert (IAS)

PI/4-405 - Bob Room (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)

PI/4-405 - Bob Room

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics


I discuss work in progress on the no-boundary state of the universe in quantum cosmology, emphasizing the key role played by the inclusion of an observer in obtaining a reasonable no-boundary state. For concreteness we focus on a 2d toy model, namely dS JT gravity. This model has avatars of important issues with the wavefunction of the universe in inflationary models. The issues are that the wavefunction predicts a small universe (whereas our universe is rather large), and that it is not normalizable. I show that the non-normalizability is resolved by promoting dS JT gravity to sine dilaton gravity, a type of UV completion of dS JT gravity of which I discuss the cosmological interpretation. I then argue that the issue of predicting a small universe (in this toy model) is resolved by including an observer in the theory. With the observer, the leading contribution is a bra-ket wormhole. The observer's no boundary state is a (maximally mixed) identity matrix, and thus prefers neither small nor large universes.

Organised by

Laurent Freidel, Joshua Kirklin