Quantum Information

Complexity of Fermionic 2-SATConfirmed

by Maarten Stroeks (Delft University of Technology)

PI/4-405 - Bob Room (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)

PI/4-405 - Bob Room

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics


In this talk, I will discuss the complexity of a fermionic analogue of Quantum k-SAT. In this Fermionic k-SAT problem, one is given the task to decide whether there is a fermionic state in the null-space of a collection of fermionic, parity-conserving, projectors on n fermionic modes, where each fermionic projector involves at most k fermionic modes. We prove that this problem can be solved efficiently classically for k = 2. In addition, we show that deciding whether there exists a satisfying assignment with a given fixed particle number parity can also be done efficiently classically for Fermionic 2-SAT: this problem is a quantum-fermionic extension of asking whether a classical 2-SAT problem has a solution with a given Hamming weight parity. We also prove that deciding whether there exists a satisfying assignment for particle-number-conserving Fermionic 2-SAT for some given particle number is NP-complete. Complementary to this, we show that Fermionic 9-SAT is QMA_1-hard. 

Organised by

Beni Yoshida