Liujun Zou
(Perimeter Institute)
One of the central themes of condensed matter physics is the emergence of universality classes. In general, it is highly complex to determine which universality class emerges in a quantum matter based on its microscopic properties. In this talk, I will argue that the perspective of quantum anomaly provides powerful insights into the understanding of the landscape of universality classes that can emerge in a quantum matter, and I will present some interesting applications. Along the way, I will discuss the notions of entanglement-enabled symmetry-breaking orders, non-Lagrangian quantum criticality, quantum spin liquids beyond the usual parton description, etc.
External references
- 22110072
- 2efa5767-bfad-4cab-a182-9bfdfc166318
- 0fc71a85-45d0-4a3a-a3df-88d7a49a4b42