Sep 12–13, 2024
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
America/Toronto timezone

Extending Noether's Theorem: Poisson-Lie Symmetries in The Covariant Phase Space Formalism

Sep 13, 2024, 10:20 a.m.
PI/3-394 - Skyroom (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)

PI/3-394 - Skyroom

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

15 minute talk (PhD Students)


Christopher Pollack


We extend Noether’s first theorem to symmetries which are not symplectomorphisms but instead transform the symplectic form in a characteristic way. To do so, we use the framework of the covariant phase space method, and focus on the symmetries of the Euler-Lagrange equations which generalize the typical Lagrangian symmetries. We then show how under appropriate assumptions we can construct a dynamically conserved current and scalar charge from these general symmetries. Poisson-Lie symmetries (the semi-classical picture of quantum groups), provide a natural example of such generalized symmetries. We illustrate our framework with the generalized and deformed spinning top, the Klimcık-Severa non-linear σ-model, and 3D gravity as a BF theory, which all are shown to possess such Poisson-Lie type symmetries.

Keywords Quantum groups, symmetries, field theory, Poisson-Lie groups, quantum gravity
Submitter's Email Address [email protected]
Recording Permission YES
Virtual Audience Permission YES
Photography Permission YES

Primary authors

Aldo Riello Christopher Pollack Florian Girelli (University of Waterloo)

Presentation materials

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