17–21 Apr 2023
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
America/Toronto timezone

Causal Scenarios: the Interesting, the Boring and the Elusive

18 Apr 2023, 11:00
PI/4-405 - Bob Room (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)

PI/4-405 - Bob Room

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics



Matthew Pusey (University of York)


I will sketch the current state of play with classifying causal scenarios (aka DAGs with latent variables). Some are interesting: the classical correlations are constrained by non-trivial inequalities such as Bell’s. Some are boring: the classical correlations are constrained only by observable conditional independencies. Some we still don’t know. Along the way I will mention joint work with Joe Henson, Ray Lal, Shashaank Khanna, Marina Ansanelli and Elie Wolfe, and disjoint work by Robin Evans.

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