Apr 17 – 21, 2023
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
America/Toronto timezone

A quantum tale of causes and effects

Apr 19, 2023, 2:00 PM
PI/1-100 - Theatre (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)

PI/1-100 - Theatre

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics



Rafael Chaves (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte)


Explaining the natural world through cause-and-effect relations is the fundamental principle of science. Although a classical theory of causality has been recently introduced, enabling us to model causation across diverse research fields, it is crucial to examine which aspects of it require modification or abandonment to also comprehend causality in the quantum world. To address this question, we will investigate paradigmatic scenarios, including the double slit, Bell's theorem and generalizations to quantum networks, also exploring recent experimental advancements.

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