The nonlocality of causal sets gives us hope of solving the cosmological constant puzzle (``why is the universe so smooth, big and old if there is only one scale---the discreteness scale---in the theory?’’)
On the other hand locality, , GR and local QFT, must be recovered from quantum gravity in the continuum approximation at large scales, which is a challenge. If we are lucky though (like Goldilocks, the universe gets the nonlocality just right’’) nonlocality may be a rich source of phenomenology. Yasaman Yazdi’s talk will be on cosmological models based on the nonlocality of causal sets. I will give a couple of examples of more astrophysical phenomenological models based on simple assumptions---randomness due to spacetime uncertainty and Lorentz invariance---and pose a research question: is there a model of
quantum swerves’’?
External references
- 23050130
- 4ed91d22-5ff7-4d56-a863-ee754021e835
- ba703b4f-0674-4b98-9c82-0fa168dca7ff