Particle Physics

Unlocking the mysteries of dark matter and neutrinos with PandaXConfirmed

by Jianglai Liu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

PI/4-405 - Bob Room (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)

PI/4-405 - Bob Room

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics


Dark matter and neutrinos are elusive neutral matter filling up our Universe. The PandaX (Particle and Astrophysical Xenon) experiment, located in the China Jinping Underground Laboratory, is dedicated to searching for dark matter particles and studying the fundamental properties of neutrinos. The current running experiment, PandaX-4T, contains a sensitive time-projection-chamber with a 3.7-ton liquid xenon target. In this talk, after an overview, I will present recent results from PandaX-4T in dark matter direct detection, double beta decay of 136Xe, as well as solar neutrinos. I will also present a concrete plan for the next-generation xenon observatory in CJPL, PandaX-xT.

Organised by

Asimina Arvanitaki, Marco Costa