Jul 15 – 19, 2024
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
America/Toronto timezone

Constructing rotating black holes in Horndeski gravity

Jul 16, 2024, 2:15 PM
Federation Hall (University of Waterloo)

Federation Hall

University of Waterloo

Contributed Talk Contributed Talks


Jibril BEN ACHOUR (Arnold Sommerfeld Center (Germany) / ENS de Lyon (France))


Exploring the structure of compact objects in modified theories of gravity is mandatory to parametrize the possible deviations w.r.t general relativity and confront these theories to the current and future observations. While important efforts have been devoted to understand the phenomenology of stars and black holes, it is still a challenging task to provide new exact analytical solutions describing rotating black hole in such theories. In this talk, I propose to recent efforts to construct such solutions. Concretely, I will review how one can mix the disformal field redefinitions affect the Petrov type of a given gravitational field and how this can be used to constrain the derivation of rotating black hole. Then, I will review the main properties of a new solution of a subset of Horndeski theories called the disformal Kerr black hole and comment on the most promising directions to derive exact rotating black hole solutions in scalar-tensor theories.
This talk will be based on the two articles: https://inspirehep.net/literature/1800972, https://inspirehep.net/literature/1877661

Keywords Rotating black hole, Petrov classification, Horndeski gravity, solution-generating map
arXiv reference, if applicable: 2006.07245, 2107.02386
Contact Email [email protected]

Primary author

Jibril BEN ACHOUR (Arnold Sommerfeld Center (Germany) / ENS de Lyon (France))

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