Demonstrating quantum advantages in near term quantum devices is a notoriously difficult task. Ongoing efforts try to overcome different limitations of quantum devices without fault-tolerance, such as their limited system size or obstacles towards verification of the outcome of the computation. Proposals that exhibit more reliable quantum advantages for classically hard-to-simulate verifiable problems lack, at the same time, practical applicability. In this talk we will review different approaches to demonstrate quantum advantages inspired from many-body quantum physics. The first of them use entangled quantum resources such as cluster states, which are useful to demonstrate verifiable quantum advantages based on sampling problems (Theory proposal Phys. Rev. X 8, 021010, 2018 and recent experimental demonstration arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.14424). The second probe measurement of many-body quantities such as dynamical structure factors in quantum simulation setups (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (42), 26123-26134).
External references
- 24040092
- 6400ad93-8696-4b0a-87f6-a88e8d4a4bba