Quantum Gravity

Quantum Information-Inspired Tests of Quantum GravityConfirmed

by Vlatko Vedral (Oxford University)

PI/4-405 - Bob Room (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)

PI/4-405 - Bob Room

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics


I plan to review several ways of testing if the gravitational field has quantum aspects in the low energy regime.  I explain why the hybrid (half quantum/half classical) models are inadequate and how they could be ruled out. Furthermore, I maintain that there is no prima facie reason to expect problems when quantizing gravity in the linear regime; I summarise the main perceived difficulties only to dismiss them as irrelevant. Going beyond the linear regime is challenging in the lab, and one might have to look towards astrophysics and cosmology of the early universe instead.  Finally, many interesting features of quantum field theory could be explored in the low-energy regime that may not necessarily be specific to gravity.

Organized by

Laurent Freidel, Joshua Kirklin