QIQG 2025: Quantum Information in Quantum Gravity
QIQG 2025: Quantum Information In Quantum Gravity will unite researchers working at the intersection of quantum information theory and quantum gravity, to exchange insights and showcase recent developments bridging these fields. As part of the celebrations of Perimeter’s 25th anniversary, we will also feature vision talks by world-leading experts exploring pivotal and emerging themes at the nexus of quantum information and quantum gravity. Our program will span topics such as:
- Algebraic approaches to field theory and gravity
- Observers, quantum reference frames, and relational observables
- Quantum focussing and the Generalized Second Law
- SYK and its double-scaled limit
- The quantum information theoretic structure of spacetime
- Edge modes and entanglement entropy across subregions
- The role of complexity in field theory and gravity
- The black-hole information puzzle and related issues
- Quantum error-correcting codes in quantum field theory and quantum gravity
- Quantum cryptography and its implications for gravity
- Gravitational wormholes and their information-theoretic implications
- Chaos and thermalization in many-body systems and their realization in quantum gravity
- Holographic cosmology and de Sitter space
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Scientific Organizers
Luca Ciambelli (Perimeter Institute)
Rob Myers (Perimeter Institute)
Chris Waddell (Perimeter Institute)
Beni Yoshida (Perimeter Institute)
The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.
Registration for this event is currently open.