Perimeter Institute Graduate Students' Conference 2024

PI/3-394 - Skyroom (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)

PI/3-394 - Skyroom

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

Oleksandra Hrytseniak, Christopher Pollack, Aldo Riello, Sunny Tsang


The annual Graduate Students’ Conference showcases the diverse research directions at Perimeter Institute, both organized and presented by the students. Our graduate students are invited to share their best work with their fellow PhD students, PSI students and other PI residents interested in hearing about physics research and discussing it in a lively atmosphere full of questions.

PSI students are welcome to join as audience members on Friday, Sept 13 and to present a Lightning Talk if they wish to do so.

  • Afshin Besharat
  • Agla Thorarinsdottir
  • Alice Chen
  • Antonia Seifert
  • Besart Lajci
  • Brayden Hull
  • Caroline Lima
  • Christopher Pollack
  • Cole Coughlin
  • Costanza Pennaforti
  • Dawit Belayneh
  • Eirini Telali
  • Eleanna Kolonia
  • Emilia Szymanska
  • Gurpahul Singh
  • Hank Chen
  • Harish Murali
  • Hassan Khalvati
  • Himanshu Sahu
  • Hunter Sharron
  • Hyo Jung Park
  • James Munday
  • Janani Gomathi Rajagopal
  • Jinmin Yi
  • Julius Adolff
  • Kelly Wurtz
  • Kiana Salehi
  • Leonardo Lessa
  • Luohan Wang
  • Marina Maciel Ansanelli
  • Matheus Zambianco
  • Matthew Duschenes
  • Megan Schuyler Moss
  • Michael Imseis
  • Nada El-Falou
  • Nikita Grygoryev
  • Oleksandra Hrytseniak
  • Raquel Izquierdo García
  • Robin Oberfrank
  • Ruizhi Liu
  • Sercan Hüsnügil
  • Sergio Sanjurjo
  • Shubham Kukreja
  • Sofia Chiarenza
  • Tejas Satheesh
  • Themistocles Zikopoulos
  • Vipul Badhan
  • Yasamin Panahi
  • Yìlè Yīng
  • Zheng Zhou