Jodi Cooley, SNOLab
- Underground Experiments
Ed Copeland, University of Nottingham
- Cosmology
John Donoghue, University of Massachusetts (Amherst)
- EFT Methods for Gravity
Henrietta Elvang, University of Michigan
- Amplitude Techniques and EFT Methods
Darren Grant, Michigan State University
- Particle Astro Observations
Luis Lehner, Perimeter Institute
- Theory of Gravitational Waves
Jess McIver, University of British Columbia
- Gravity Wave Experiments
Nick Rodd, CERN
- Dark Matter Theory
Brian Shuve, Harvey Mudd College
- Standard Model Theory
Manuella Vincter, Carleton University
- Collider Experiments
Tevong You, King's College London
- Beyond the Standard Model Theory
Luna Zagorac, Perimeter Institute
- Special topic: ALPs and Why We are Interested