July 28, 2025 to August 1, 2025
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
America/Toronto timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

If you wish to contribute a talk or poster to the conference, please submit a brief abstract All contributed abstracts will be reviewed and you will be advised if your talk or poster has been accepted.

Select the "Contribution Type" in the submission form to indicate the type of talk you would like to give.

• Contributed Talks - 10 mins + Q&A
• Flashslide/Lightning Talks - 1 min each
• Poster

If you want to submit an abstract for more than one type of talk/poster, you will need to complete the submission form for each. Submissions for a 10 min talk that are not accepted may be considered for a Flashslide/Lightning talk.

When submitting, you will need to select the conference theme that you feel your research best matches - please refer to the Conference Themes page on the website for more information. You should choose a primary theme and a secondary theme to assist the organizers in scheduling talks appropriately.

NOTE: You must be in attendance at the workshop in Waterloo to present a Contributed Talk, Flashslide or Poster. We encourage you to register to attend the conference as soon as possible as conference space is limited. You will be advised if your talk and/or poster has been accepted before the registration fee payment deadline.

If you have questions about the Call for Abstracts with respect to your research, please contact Selim Hotinli ([email protected]).

Any logistical questions about the call for abstracts process, the website or decision timelines should be directed to [email protected]. Follow instructions once you click the "Submit New Abstract" button. If you already have a Perimeter Indico account you may be logged in automatically. If not, you will be required to log in or create a new account.

The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.