We study Generalized Free Fields (GFF) from the point of view of information measures. We begin by reviewing conformal GFF, their holographic representation, and the multiple possible assignations of algebras to a single spacetime region that arise in these theories. We will focus on manifestations of these features present in the Mutual Information (MI) of holographic GFF. First, we show that the MI can be expected to be finite even if the AdS dual space is of infinite volume. Then, we present the long-distance limit of the MI for regions with arbitrary boundaries in the light cone for the causal and entanglement wedge algebras. The pinching limit of these surfaces shows the GFF behaves as an interacting model from the MI point of view. The entanglement wedge algebra choice allows these models to ``fake'' causality, giving results consistent with their role in the description of large N models. Finally, we explore the short distance limit of the MI. Interestingly, we find that the GFF has a leading volume term rather than an area term and a logarithmic term in any dimension rather than only for even dimensions as in ordinary CFTs. We also find the dependence of some subleading terms on the conformal dimension of the GFF.
External references
- 23070010
- a393ce29-abe4-4b75-ad2d-17ef87d62d23
- c4ab75ba-340b-4f18-a916-ce324988f538