July 31, 2023 to August 4, 2023
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
America/Toronto timezone

Call for Submissions: Talks and Posters

Call for Submissions

Proposals for submitted talks and posters are being sought based on outstanding recent contributions to research at the interface of quantum information theory and fundamental physics. This includes interdisciplinary research at the interface of quantum information theory with quantum gravity or quantum field theory. Contributions can be submitted on new research or on results that were submitted to the arXiv within a year of the conference. The deadline for submission is April 1st, 2023. The conference will feature roughly one third invited talks (nominations can be made here), and we anticipate selecting the remaining (~20) speaking slots from submissions. The talks will be 45 minutes long including questions. We encourage both poster-only submissions, and dual submissions to both a talk and poster, since dual submission will not affect the decision on whether the submission is accepted for a talk. This conference will not publish proceedings.

All submissions for talks and posters must be made electronically through the online submission system EasyChair. The submission must consist of the title of the talk, the names and affiliations of the co-authors, a regular abstract (for the conference website in case of acceptance), and an extended abstract. The typical extended abstract should be less than one page long, but a maximum of 3 pages is permitted. Details below.

  • Extended Abstract: This will typically be one page or less, but can be at most three pages in length and contain a non-technical, clear, and insightful description of the results and main ideas, their potential impact, and their importance to the interface of quantum information theory and fundamental physics. Extended abstracts should not be a compressed version of a full paper, but instead should facilitate an intuitive understanding of the research results that they represent and help the program committee assess their importance. Extended abstracts should be in PDF format, and typeset in single-column form with reasonable margins and font size at least 11 points. The 3-page maximum does not include references.
  • Technical Manuscript (optional): This is a full paper describing the work, including technical details. This manuscript may be from an online repository, such as arXiv; however, a PDF copy of it must be uploaded. If your submission consists of multiple technical papers they should be merged into a single file. Authors should be aware that the Program Committee is under no obligation to read the technical manuscript, and the information required to assess the submission should be contained in the extended abstract.

The Program Committee reserves the right to decide how to treat submissions that deviate from the above format, including rejection of submissions solely on the basis of their format.  Submissions may wish to give details of the presentation, for example who will be speaking (if known). Submissions where no co-authors can deliver the talk in person should indicate this. These submissions will be considered, but may have to pass a higher bar to be accepted, or may be included outside the live conference sessions.

Conflict of Interest

1. Submissions will be assessed by members of the Program Committee (PC). The current list of PC members is below.

2. PC members and co-chairs must declare a conflict of interest on submissions in which they have any appearance of a conflict of interest. This includes submissions from other members of their university or close co-authors. In such a case, EasyChair ensures that PC members and co-chairs will not be able to see or participate in discussion on the submission, nor see the submission’s ranking in comparison to other submissions.

3. Conference organisers and PC members can submit papers. PC members must declare a conflict of interest as above.

Instructions for Poster-Only Submissions

Poster submissions should be made using the same submission system as talk submissions. For poster-only submissions, only a title and abstract are required (i.e., an extended abstract is not needed). A technical manuscript can be attached. Please indicate in the required field "presenter" the person that will present the poster at the conference.

Important Dates

April 1, 2023, AoE: Talk Submission Deadline

May 1, 2023, AoE: Notification of accepted talks

June 1, 2023, AoE: Registration Deadline

June 1, 2023: Poster submission Deadline

Program Committee

  • Dorit Aharonov
  • Vijay Balasubramanian
  • Gregory Bentsen
  • Pablo Bueno
  • Horacio Casini
  • Ping Gao
  • Felix Haehl
  • Tom Hartman
  • Patrick Hayden
  • Matt Headrick (co-chair)
  • Philipp Hoehn
  • Ted Jacobson
  • Alexander Jahn
  • Javier Magan
  • Alex Maloney
  • Don Marolf
  • Alex May
  • Jonathan Oppenheim (co-chair)
  • Jason Pollack
  • Xiao-Liang Qi
  • Ana-Maria Raclaru
  • Shan-Ming Ruan
  • Martin Sasieta
  • Brian Swingle
  • Bob Wald
  • Jinzhao Wang
  • Brianna Grado-White
  • Ying Zhao  
  • Yijian Zhou

EasyChair Instructions:

Go to https://easychair.org to log in (or create an account if you have not used EasyChair before). Then go to https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=ifq2023 to create a submission, select the appropriate track (talk or poster-only) and follow the instructions. 

You may update or withdraw submissions up until the deadline; only the latest version will be reviewed. Submissions will be automatically closed immediately after the deadline, so early submissions are encouraged.