Jun 14–18, 2021
America/Toronto timezone

What does the Path Integral imply for Quantizing Time?

Jun 18, 2021, 10:40 a.m.


Ken Wharton (San Jose State University)


"Even though path-integral formulations of quantum theory are thought to be equivalent to state-based approaches, path-integrals are rarely used to motivate answers to foundational questions. This talk will summarize a number of implications concerning time and time-symmetry which result from the path-integral viewpoint. Such a perspective sheds serious doubt on dynamical collapse theories, and also pushes against efforts to extend configuration space to include multiple time dimensions. A recently-developed map between all possible two-qubit entangled states and spacetime-based path-integrals sheds further doubt on any need to extend spacetime to a large ontological configuration space.
(References include arXiv:2103.02425, 1512.00740, 1103.2492 .)"

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