Sep 16 – 20, 2024
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
America/Toronto timezone

Contributed Talks

Accepted as contributed talks

Ardra Kooderi Suresh, Markus Frembs and Eric Cavalcanti
A Semantics for Counterfactuals in Quantum Causal Models

Augustin Vanrietvelde, Octave Mestoudjian and Pablo Arrighi
Partitions in quantum theory, and causal decompositions of 1D Quantum Cellular Automata

Bob Coecke and Robin Lorenz
Causality of meaning in compositional language models (an invitation to collaborate)

Carla Ferradini, Victor Gitton and V. Vilasini
Cyclic causal modelling with a graph separation property in classical and quantum theories

Chris Fewster, Daan Janssen, Leon Loveridge, Kasia Rejzner and James Waldron
Quantum reference frames, measurement schemes and the type of local algebras in quantum field theory

Chris Heunen and Nesta van der Schaaf
Relativistic Concepts in Point-Free Spaces

Daniel Centeno Díaz and Elie Wolfe
Quantum Latents: Distinguishing causal scenarios with indistinguishable classical analogs

Davide Poderini, Ranieri Nery, George Moreno, Santiago Zamora, Pedro Lauand and Rafael Chaves
Observational-Interventional Bell Inequalities

Hlér Kristjánsson, Tatsuki Odake, Satoshi Yoshida, Philip Taranto, Jessica Bavaresco, Marco Quintino and Mio Murao
Simulating the quantum switch using causally ordered circuits requires at least an exponential overhead in query complexity

Isaac Friend
Identifying classical Markovian causal models from generalized observation

Jan Głowacki
Towards Relational Quantum Field Theory

Jonathan Barrett, Isaac Friend and Aleks Kissinger
Identifying classical Markovian causal models from generalized observation

Josh Kirklin and Philipp A. Höhn
Fighting non-locality with non-locality: microcausality and boundary conditions in QED

Leihao Chen, Onno Zoeter and Joris Mooij
Modeling Latent Selection with Structural Causal Models

Maarten Grothus, Alastair A. Abbott and Cyril Branciard
Routing Quantum Control of Causal Order

Maarten Grothus and V. Vilasini
Characterizing Signalling: Connections between Causal Inference and Space-time Geometry

Maria Ciudad Alañón
Navigating the Nuances of Novel Network Nonlocality

Matthias Salzger and John Selby
A decompositional framework for process theories in spacetime

Nick Ormrod and Jonathan Barrett
Emergent classicality, relativistic causality, and quantum causal structure

Ofek Bengyat, Caslav Brukner and Marios Christodoulou
Quantum Permutations as Quantum Coordinate Transformations

Patrick Fraser
What, in the world, is a violation of causal faithfulness?

Pedro Lauand, Davide Ponderini, Rafael Rabelo and Rafael Chaves
Quantum non-classicality in the simplest causal network

Raphaël Mothe, Alastair Abbott and Cyril Branciard
Correlations and quantum circuits with dynamical causal order

Ravi Kunjwal and Ognyan Oreshkov
Generalizing Bell non locality without global causal constraints

Robin Lorenz and Sean Tull
Classical causal models in string diagrams

Robin Lorenz and Tein van der Lugt
Causally faithful unitary circuit decompositions

Samuel Fedida, Anne-Catherine de la Hamette, Viktoria Kabel and Caslav Brukner
Knot invariants and indefinite causal order

Shashaank Khanna, Marina Maciel Ansanelli, Matthew Pusey and Elie Wolfe
Which causal scenarios might support non-classical correlations?

Tamás Kriváchy
Limitations of causal models of the triangle network, in the symmetric subspace and beyond

Trung Phung, Jaron Lee, Opeyemi Oladapo-Shittu, Eili Klein, Ayse Gurses, Susan Hannum, Kimberly Weems, Jill Marsteller, Sara Cosgrove, Sara Keller and Ilya Shpitser
Zero Inflation as a Missing Data Problem: a Proxy-based Approach

V. Vilasini and Mischa Woods
A quantum circuit framework for extended Wigner's friend scenarios: logical and causal reasoning without objective events

Wayne Myrvold
Making Sense of Relativistic Causality Conditions

Xiangling Xu, Marc-Olivier Renou and Laurens Ligthart
Two convergent NPA-like hierarchies for the quantum bilocal scenario

Yìlè Yīng, Marina Maciel Ansanelli, Andrea Di Biagio, Elie Wolfe and Eric Gama Cavalcanti
Relating Wigner's Friend Scenarios to Nonclassical Causal Compatibility, Monogamy Relations, and Fine Tuning

Zixuan Liu and Giulio Chiribella
Tsirelson bounds for quantum correlations with indefinite causal order

Accepted as flash talks

Alastair Abbott, Victor Barizien, Cyril Branciard, Pavel Sekatski and Jean-Daniel Bancal
Self-testing quantum supermaps, with an application to the quantum switch

Charles Alexandre Bédard
From Locality to Causality in the Heisenberg Picture

Julian Wechs and Ognyan Oreshkov
Subsystem decompositions of quantum circuits and transformations between causal perspectives

Marina Maciel Ansanelli, Elie Wolfe and Robert Spekkens
Everything that can be learned about a causal structure with latent variables by observational and interventional probing schemes

Michael Miller
Cluster Decomposition and Two Senses of Isolability

Pablo Arrighi, Amelia Durbec and Matt Wilson
Generalized tensors and partial traces over quantum networks

Ryszard Paweł Kostecki 
Paraconsistency of relativistic nonsignalling, and some other features of causal spectral toposes

Tales Rick Perche and Eduardo Martín-Martínez
The geometry of spacetime from quantum measurements

Timothée Hoffreumon and Ognyan Oreshkov
Higher-order Quantum Processes are Characterized by the Logic of their Signaling Relations

Victor Gitton and Renato Renner
The Elegant Joint Measurement is nonlocal in the triangle network