Jul 24–29, 2023
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
America/Toronto timezone

Research Talk 15 - dS_2 supergravity

Jul 26, 2023, 1:30 p.m.
PI/1-100 - Theatre (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)

PI/1-100 - Theatre

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics



Beatrix Mühlmann (McGill University)


I will discuss the interplay between 2d de Sitter and supersymmetry in two concrete supergravity models coupled to superconformal field theories. Upon fixing a supersymmetric analogue of the Weyl gauge these theories can be viewed as supersymmetric extensions of timelike Liouville theory with N=1 and N=2 supersymmetry respectively. Supersymmetric timelike Liouville is well behaved in the UV and combines supersymmetry with a positive cosmological constant and a de Sitter saddle. The theory is amenable to a variety of techniques including systematic loop expansions and localization methods.

Presentation materials

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