Jul 15 – 19, 2024
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
America/Toronto timezone

Non-linear gravitational waves in Horndeski gravity

Jul 16, 2024, 3:00 PM
Federation Hall (University of Waterloo)

Federation Hall

University of Waterloo

Contributed Talk Contributed Talks


Dr Hugo Roussille (École Normale Supérieure de Lyon)


The non-linear dynamics of gravitational wave propagation in spacetime can contain drastic new phenomenology that is absent from the linearised theory. In this talk, I will probe the non-linear radiative regime of Horndeski gravity by making use of disformal field redefinition. I will discuss how disformal transformations alter the properties of congruences of geodesics and in particular how they can generate disformal gravitational waves at the fully non-linear level. I will illustrate this effect by presenting a new exact radiative solution in Horndeski gravity describing a scalar pulse. Analysing the non-linear dynamics of this new radiative solution will show that it contains tensorial gravitational waves generated by a purely time-dependent scalar monopole. This intriguing result is made possible by the higher-order nature of Horndeski gravity.

Keywords exact solution, non-linear gravitational waves
arXiv reference, if applicable: 2401.05099, 2402.01487

Primary author

Dr Hugo Roussille (École Normale Supérieure de Lyon)


Dr Jibril Ben Achour Dr Mohammad Ali Gorji

Presentation materials

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External references