Jul 15 – 19, 2024
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
America/Toronto timezone

How to study modified gravity as a particle theory and not collapse in the process

Jul 18, 2024, 2:45 PM
PI/1-100 - Theatre (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)

PI/1-100 - Theatre

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

Contributed Talk Contributed Talks


Dr Sergio Sevillano (Durham University)


The ability to represent perturbative expansions of interacting quantum field theories in terms of simple diagrammatic rules has revolutionized calculations in particle physics. However, in the case of extended theories of gravity, deriving this set of rules requires linearization of gravity perturbation of the scalar fields and multiple field redefinitions making this process very time-consuming and model dependent. In this talk, I will motivate and present FeynMG, a Mathematica extension of FeynRules that automatizes this calculation allowing for the application of quantum field theory techniques to scalar-tensor theories.

Keywords Scalar-Tensor theories, Particle physics, FeynRules, FeynMG
arXiv reference, if applicable: arXiv:2211.14300

Primary author

Dr Sergio Sevillano (Durham University)

Presentation materials

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External references