Jun 20 – 30, 2022
America/Toronto timezone

In recent decades, interaction between mathematics and quantum field theory has proven to be fertile for both fields. However, differences in language, training, and perspective have significantly hampered effective communication between the two parties. The aim of this workshop series is to tear down this wall, and help mathematicians to learn the way physicists think about QFT and strings and eventually ``speak'' QFT and strings fluently. This year we will focus on algebraic, geometric, and homological structures in supersymmetric gauge theories. We will use 3-dimensional N=4 gauge and N=2 theories --- which have seen an explosion of interest in both physical and mathematical communities in recent years --- as a key source of new examples, exploring their connections with integrability, boundary vertex algebras and elliptic cohomology, knot homology, 2d mirror symmetry, and the geometric Langlands program.  

The first week of this event will consist of an in person school and the second week will consist of a virtual conference.

Perimeter Institute will make every effort to host the school as an in-person event.  However, we reserve the right to change to an online program to align with changes in regulations due to the COVID-19 pandemic

PIRSA:  https://pirsa.org/C22011


Territorial Land Acknowledgement

Perimeter Institute acknowledges that it is situated on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, and Neutral peoples.

Perimeter Institute is located on the Haldimand Tract. After the American Revolution, the tract was granted by the British to the Six Nations of the Grand River and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation as compensation for their role in the war and for the loss of their traditional lands in upstate New York. Of the 950,000 acres granted to the Haudenosaunee, less than 5 percent remains Six Nations land. Only 6,100 acres remain Mississaugas of the Credit land.

We thank the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, and Neutral peoples for hosting us on their land. 
